Wednesday, 15 March 2023

Sad joke on a marae response

Recently we read the poem Sad Joke On A Marae. It was about a maori man who was at a Marae, but he didn't grow up knowing a lot about his culture. Because of this, all the Maori he knew was Tehei mauri ora. From the poem you could tell he had been in jail, been in fights and spent a lot of time at the pub. I drew this picture because these are the feelings he felt; fear/desperation, anger, sadness.

Response to What Really Happened part 2

My first impression is that some of the Maori want a treaty because they know about rascism and want a fair agreement. Some on the other hand are wary and don't trust them. I think the british intentionally wanted to mislead the Maori, because in the end they want another country to have control of. Also in the video they are seen drinking while translating, WHICH MEANS THEY WEREN"T EVEN SOBER!!