Tuesday, 28 November 2023

Power to the people week 7

 This week we got all the supplies to make a mini water generator. Mr Georgetti helped us get all the things we needed. In the science lab we used the tap and a rubber pipe as the water flow, we attatched the generator. Then we set up the wires so we could test the voltage and current. 

We tested it outside and inside again. Each time we got different results but could always light up the little LED. 

We also looked for waterfalls in the area so we can relate this to Otaki.

Thursday, 16 November 2023

Power to the people week 6 reflection-Pearl

 This week our group went to the Mangapouri stream and tested the water. These tests include



-Streambed composition




We went to a different spot than we usually do, Mrs Torley took us to the part of the stream where the Mill used to be (The Mill the road was named after). 

We have also talked to some teachers about hydroelectic watermills and how we could make one. We also used a mini generator using a hose as water flow.

Friday, 10 November 2023

Power to the people- week 5- Pearl

Me and my groups question is "How can we use Otaki waterways to create sustainable energy?"

1. What have you achieved/learned/found out since your last post?

Was hydro-power is and how it works, also the different ways to make hydro power depending on the environment.

2. How effectively have you used your time this week?

Very effectively, I have been watching videos about water turbines and generators.

3. How have you contributed to your group’s progress?

I have been doing a lot to research how hydro-power works.

4. Glows: something that is going well in your project: Getting supplies and teacher help.

5. Grows: Something you need to work on: Some in-group fighting and tension.

6. Where could you get help with this? The ctg classes and teachers.

7. What are the next steps for your project? Start drawing up designs for the turbine.